Everything's Changing...

For me, September has always felt like more of a ‘New Year’ than January, probably because of the way the academic years were arranged at school and university. So with that in mind, tomorrow is day number one of a new year. I’m in a very, very different place to where I was this time last year. I’m not going to ramble on, but I want to highlight a couple of things so I can look back at it this time next year. I’m returning to this lovely little blog space, having fallen out of love with it for a while when my head was feeling muddled by a lot of things. I’m making a lot of plans work-wise, looking ahead and pushing myself. I’m finally learning to drive, and with my theory done I just need to get the practical test out of the way. I’m no longer in the relationship I was in this time last year. It had lasted for five and a half years, but you’re a very different person when you’re 16 compared to when you’re 22, and for this place I’m in now, certain things wer...