Hello, Autumn

Yesterday marked the first day of autumn. Slightly scary, as I have no idea where summer went. Oh wait… I left my old job. I moved to London. I stayed with family friends for a month. I started a new job. I moved into my new room. Kind of a busy summer, some may say. And I’m now hoping autumn will be more settled. A time to explore, but at a leisurely place. A time to continue finding my feet in my new role. A time to grow more used to my new city. A time to pause and think, ‘Wow, it’s been a busy few months.’ A time to think ‘I did it.’ A time to think, ‘It’s ok to relax a little.’ I’m ready to enjoy autumn foods, events, birthdays, outings. I’m ready to enjoy autumn weather. (Preferably the blue skies, cold air type of weather. I’m not so fussed about the grey rainy parts.) I’m ready to experience London in autumn. And to watch that pave the way for winter in this busy, hectic, exhausting, exciting, be...