Counselling via the NHS Part 3: Afterthoughts

My last two posts have been about my experience being referred for and waiting for NHS counselling, and about my experiences at the sessions themselves . The third and final post in this mini series will be my afterthoughts. I've rounded up ten thoughts that go some way to summing up my experience of receiving counselling through the NHS, and here they are: It's no lie that mental health services in this country are massively under-resourced. Waiting times are far longer than any of the practitioners would like them to be, and longer than is ideal for anybody struggling with their mental health. However, when you do get the help, the support on offer can be incredible. I have all sorts of thoughts on things that could surely be done to hep improve the current way of doing things, but I'll save you from seeing them all here. You've got to be persistent. Unfortunately, not all GPs are as clued up as one another when it comes to mental health, and even those that a...