The Christmas Countdown is nearly over...

There’s something very different about the build-up to Christmas once you are no longer in full-time education.  Having graduated in June, this is my first Christmas with a full-time job, and my first Christmas that doesn’t fall in the middle of a nice long 3-week holiday.

For a start, the month of December is racing by! Without the routine of timetabled lessons, followed by a formal end to the term and some free time to relax and finish Christmas shopping, the big day seems to be catapulting nearer. The windows on my advent calendars (I have 3 – is that acceptable?) are flying open and the countdown is well and truly on.

December is a month full of events, both recurring annual ones and one-off catch-ups, and all of those are now being fitted in after days at work, or fitted into the couple of bank holidays we all have off. It’s been a busy couple of weeks so far…

First came ChristmasFest, in the village where I live. An annual event, all of the shops stay open late and there’s street food and fireworks. I went this year with my friend Laura and her parents and brother, to begin the Christmas countdown. In the same week came a visit round the houses from Father Christmas.

On a Friday early in the month was my sister’s Sixth Form Fashion Show. It seems to get better every year, and this year blew me away. It’s a fashion show featuring clothes from local stores, and has lots of dance routines in between. My sister choreographed this year’s show and it was brilliant! Here are a couple of blurred pictures of the ‘Night at the Movies’:

The Christmas tree arrived, and evenings out with my boyfriend and friends like Laura, Helena, Matt, Harry and Jen followed, and my mum performed in her choir’s annual Christmas concert. 

And now here we are: it’s the 22nd December, there’s a day and a half left for me of work, and then Santa will arrive. The weeks have raced by, and the presents are wrapped. It’s nearly here!

How has your build-up to Christmas been?

Sophie x


  1. You are so organised having all your presents wrapped already! I am hoping to try and do mine tomorrow!
    I also have the same advent calendar as you! :D

    1. I have to be organised as I can't bear the shops closer to Christmas! I hope you had a lovely Christmas xxx


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