The Challenge and Results #4: March 2014

Slap on the wrist for Sophie, I didn’t press publish on my March challenge post! So now I’ll combine the challenge and results in one, which is great because it was a big fat success.

The challenge was to properly begin our house hunt, narrow down our options, and put every effort into finding somewhere to live. For a bit of background, Andy and I lived together for two years whilst at university, then made the sensible choice to both move back home whilst we job-hunted after graduating. I started my job in September, then Andy his in about November. And whilst we fully intended to then find somewhere to live, life gets in the way a bit sometimes and the weeks rocket by.

Anyway, just over a month or so, enough was enough. We were ready to have our own space again, and my parents said they could tell I was frustrated by having less independence, and that I should really get a move on and push forwards.

After that decision had been made, it was like things were put on fast forward. We are renting, which is a market that moves quickly, and so when we found a place we liked, we put in an application immediately. Unfortunately, we got a call a couple of days later to say another agent had already promised it to somebody and not informed their colleagues. It was so frustrating, and at first I was completely gutted.

They then offered to give us ‘first dibs’ on another property, in the same area, at the same price. I saw it on the Monday, and they then held it for us until the Saturday, when Andy could take a look. Application in, 4 days passed, and that was it. It was ours!

We moved in on the 23rd March, and I absolutely love it. We’ve settled straight back into living together again, and I just love the house itself, too. It was stressful at times, arranging viewings, paying large deposits, sorting things like insurance, broadband, furniture… but those things would have had to be done whenever we took the plunge and moved, and the tiring period was more than worth it.

So there we have it: March challenge SUCCESS, more so than I expected. I don’t think I believed we’d already be in and settled by the end of the month!

I promise to get back on track with my monthly challenge posts now, so stay tuned for my April instalment, which is already getting underway. Also, get ready for a post with pictures of the new house, which will be coming very soon!


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