The Challenge Results #5: April 2014

Another month has flown by, and it’s time to fill you in on the results of my fifth monthly challenge. The challenge for April was:

To walk to and from work (3.5 miles each way) every day, and not take the bus.

I did it! There were 3 occasions – either the journey to or from work – that I had a lift from one of my parents as they were coming to the house or going in that direction, but every other time I have walked. I’ve not set foot on the bus.

Here’s my top 5 benefits of my walk to work month, which is a routine I will 100% be sticking to:

1. Saving money – A bus pass costs money. The walk doesn’t. Simple!

2. Exercise – Walking a brisk 7 miles each day is already feeling so much easier, and my legs are toning up.

3. Wakes me up – I arrive at work feeling fresh and energised because of all the fresh air.

4. Time to think and reflect – As someone who has been dealing with panic and worrying, I’m finding it really helpful to have these periods in the day where I’m removed from everything else, and can just let my mind wander without any pressure.

5. Getting outside – It’s something I’ve never really done enough of, and I’m enjoying the great outdoors and breathing some fresh air.

I thought it would be nice to show you some pictures of my journey, and was waiting for a day of lovely weather… I then realised I might as well show the reality, it that it’s been miserable more times than it’s not! So here’s a peep out from under my umbrella, on a morning where the sky tried out pretty much every type of weather during my walk:

How do you get to and from work?


  1. This is so awesome. I'm about that far from work and have contemplated walking a few times. Maybe I should take up the challenge! Did you find you got faster over time?

    Katie <3

    1. I've got it from an hour down to about 40 minutes! Don't think it can get much less than that though, with the distance. The main thing is I find it so much easier. On day 1 it was like 'WHAT am I doing?' and then now I really enjoy it... you should go for it :) xxx

  2. What a lovely walk, I admire you for the effort - I doubt I'd keep up walking 3.5 miles each way

    hannah bee xo

    1. I love the last part, with all the fields :) I'm still going with it, although it's a lot harder on a rainy day! xxx


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