Podcasts are my favourites

Podcasts are my new favourite things.

I’m late to the podcast game, I know, but over the past couple of months I’ve become mildly obsessed.

I get a bit bored just listening to the radio, as I get fed up of ads or certain songs on repeat, and I don’t like the pressure of having to choose songs from my iTunes or Spotify accounts. My music choices cannot simply be played on random, as you’d end up with some Phantom of the Opera followed by cheesy 90s followed by something that might feature in the UK Top 40 if I even knew what was in that coveted list right now. That’s all just too confusing for my brain.

So podcasts have won.

I’ve got a little selection of my favourites as a newbie podcast-listener.

Here they are:

Of course. Who doesn’t love Serial? Series one followed a murder case where there are a lot of unanswered questions, and the current season is about a Taliban abduction, and a survivor who is remaining quiet. If you’ve never listened to a podcast, listen to Season One immediately.

The production of this podcast is less slick, but it continues the story of Serial Season One and delves even deeper. Pretty addictive if you were obsessed with Adnan’s case.

ASOS My Big Idea

The ASOS podcast chats to young women who are running their own businesses and acting on their big ideas. They're really motivatonal, and I love hearing people's success stories.

There have only been 4 episodes so far, but Kat Molesworth is the most wonderful presenter, and interviews creative who I respect and admire. A must for bloggers, writers, photographers, and others in creative industries or with creative hobbies.

Start Up
Following the evolution of a new start up, from pitching for investors through to employing people and making mistakes. I also loved season two, which followed a new dating company and offered another perspective of the start up world.

Call your girlfriend
I have to admit to having gone back and listened to every episode of this one. The podcast ‘for long distance besties everywhere’, it is basically just two close friends catching up every week. They discuss what’s been going on in the news, in pop culture, and in their own lives, as well as answering reader questions. I would like Amina and Ann to be my best friends, please.

Stuff mom never told you
This is quite nice, almost like a topical news show with a clear focus each week. They cover everything from health to advice to feminism to current affairs, and I like to dip in and out of the archives.

Women of the Hour
A mini-series from Lena Dunham, this covers topics from body image, to work, to friendship. Dunham talks to her closest friends and chats about the topics that matter to young women today.

Shout out any I’m missing, as I am well and truly hooked on the podcast world now.


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