Hello, March

You’ve come round quickly.

January seemed to last for weeks on end, but February crept by without me really even noticing. I’ve had a fairly quiet month, mainly working then relaxing in good company.

March is a busy one, this year.

I’ve filled up my weekends with things I’m really looking forward to.

There’s the day my mum is coming to London for food and museums and exhibitions.

There are two shows in my diary.

There’s an overnight stay in a place which looks beautiful and calm.

We have a big event at work mid-month which I know will be a long day, but I’m interested to see how it all runs, as I hadn’t joined the company yet when it ran last year.

I’ve started seeing a new counsellor. More to come on that soon, but those sessions will be another key feature of the month. We had our first appointment last week and I’m feeling good about it.

Apart from that, there are catch-ups with friends lined up, and a couple of my favourite people have birthdays.

The days are getting longer and hopefully Spring will announce itself properly soon. I’m bored of the cold now - bring me warmth.

There are a lot of other thoughts, plans and hopes whizzing round my head at the moment so I’m trying to make those more concrete and put some things into motion.

Watch this space.

March, welcome back. I’m looking forward to a busy month.


  1. Hope you have a good start of the month :) xo



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