Hello, April

I'm glad you're here, April.

March seemed to last a really, really long time.

I've had a little blog break, just because I felt like I needed it. One of the most recent posts I did, Sticks and Stones, took a bit of courage to publish.

It had been ready, waiting, for months but pressing publish meant telling people, including those close to me, how much that event had affected me.

I'm glad I pressed 'go'. I think I needed to get it out. To make it clear how important it is to think before you speak.

After that, I stepped back a bit. I wasn't feeling particularly motivated to write, so rather than force anything I just took some time to breathe. That's the luxury of having a space that is all mine.

March was busy, as ever. Work has been busy, and theatre trips have featured, of course. The Maids was pretty spectacular, and Avenue Q was the delight I remembered from first seeing it about four or five years ago (reviews on both to come...).

There was a hotel stay mid-month which was a lovely treat, and some long overdue catch-ups with some of my very favourite people. Those people include my mum, who came for a wonderful day trip at the beginning of the month.

I've also been continuing to see a counsellor, sorting through some of the anxiety issues I still have battles with, and tiring as the sessions are they're slowly sinking in.

Looking ahead, April seems to be starting with a bout of nice weather, which I'm very happy about! I'm away this weekend for a trip I've been looking forward to for MONTHS, and next week am off down a bit further South to visit my aunt and uncle.

The end of the month brings with it the London Marathon. This year, one of my closest friends Laura is running (more to come on that, watch this space...) and I don't think I could be much more proud of her if I tried.

Baby sister is currently in Indonesia, the past week or so has been spent in Bali so I can't deny the thought of that is making me slightly jealous!

So that's where I'm up to. I'm ready for a new month and a move towards the brighter, warmer months (hooray!).

When I think back to this time last year, SO much has changed, and it's certainly been a pretty amazing, action-packed 12 months. I hope this April will be as happy as last year's was - or better!

Time to pack for the weekend, because packing is the one thing I never seem to be organised about...

Happy April x


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