Hello, February 2017

What a start to the year it's been. 

My January has been intense. It was full of challenges, and accomplishments, and deep conversations, and appointments, and trying new things.

2017 is my year to work on healing properly, not just pushing on through the things I've been struggling with.

It's time to face these issues head on, and really get to the bottom of my anxiety and work on making lasting improvements.

January was a good start.

February will be better.

I'm now regularly going to pilates and doing yoga and mediation.

I'm cooking more, eating three meals a day and trying to work up to reintroducing some of the foods I had ruthlessly been cutting out.

I'm facing up to some things that have really been troubling me for a long, long time and coming up with ways to tackle them.

In the past month, I've tested myself and been reminding myself I can do more than I think.

I've had so much support from the people around me, and I know I can keep going to achieve more.

I'm excited about this year and everything that lies ahead.

I feel like I'm beginning to remember who Sophie is again, and rediscover the things I love doing, and discover things I hadn't yet tried.

A new month always brings a little renewed sense of motivation, so all I'm really trying to say here is that I'm carrying on.

I'm going to do more, try more and be myself more.

February, I'm ready for you.


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