The Recipe Post #9: Sausage and chickpea casserole

One meal that's gone down a treat in our house recently is this sausage casserole, adapted from a recipe on the Delicious Magazine website.

Packed with chickpeas and spinach, too, it's less like a traditional casserole and feels hearty but not too heavy.

The ingredients were:

  • olive oil (for the pan)
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 200ml chicken stock
  • 200g spinach
  • 6 pork sausages, cut into chunks
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 2 x 400g tins chickpeas, drained


Once you've got the list of ingredients, it's one of those great recipes where you can't really go wrong. Heat the oil and cook off the sausages, then set aside.

Throw the onions into the pan, and once they're on their way add the garlic, and you could throw in some herbs (the original recipe suggests thyme).

Add in the chopped tomatoes, chicken stock, browned sausages and chickpeas. Stir well, bring to a gentle simmer and cool for about 15 minutes until the sauce has reduced and thickened.

Throw in the spinach towards the very end - a staple in pretty much anything I make - season well, and serve.


This went down very well in our house, and is definitely something I'll be making again.


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