The Recipe Post #11: Spiced Chickpea Burgers

Earlier this week, I tried out a new recipe on my family which went down an absolute treat.

After a failed chickpea burger attempt the week before (a Jamie recipe calling for FAR too much sweetcorn), I wanted to redeem myself and offer up a good burger.

The winning recipe came from the 'Homemade By You' section on the Sainsbury's recipes website.

You'll need:

  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1.5tsp each of ground cumin, chilli powder and garam masala
  • 2tsp ground coriander
  • 2tsp grated root ginger
  • 2 cans chickpeas, drained
  • 2 slices wholemeal bread, in breadcrumbs
To serve:
  • Whatever you like! We went for chunky sweet potato and normal potato wedges with a simple salad - and ketchup of course.

 Pop some oil into a pan and gently cook the onion and garlic for a minute, before adding in the ginger, dried spices, salt and 50ml water. Cook until the mixture is dry. Add in the chickpeas, and again cook until any moisture has evaporated. This happens fairly quickly.

Pour about three-quarters of the mixture into a food processor and blend until smooth, then use a potato masher to crush the mixture left over in the pan. When you add the food processor contents back into the pan this should give a good burger consistency - mainly smooth with some good texture left over.

Once cooled slightly, shape the mixture into 6 burgers, and add to an oil. Cook over  medium heat for 6-8mins, turning in the middle, until lightly browned.

Serve with your sides of choice, and enjoy!


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