The Recipe Post #15: Chickpea and coriander curry

This is one of my favourite go-to dinners.

It's quick to make and can easily be adjusted to use up any veggies that aren't going to be at their best for much longer.

I've made this for friends and family plenty of times, and it's also a great one for leftovers, when the spices have had even longer to combine and sit together.

I originally used a recipe from The Pool (one of my favourite websites ever, hands down), but as mentioned I now sort of throw together different variations based on the same core dish.


  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1tsp ground ginger (or small knob fresh, grated)
  • 1tsp ground coriander, plus some fresh
  • 1tsp ground cumin
  • 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 1 vegetable stock cube, dissolved in water
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 red pepper, chopped
  • 1 courgette, chopped
  • 1 tin chickpeas, drained
Fry the onion in some oil, then add in the garlic and spices for a few minutes.

Next, add in the vegetables (here I've used pepper and courgette, but plenty of other veggies would work well). When softened - about 5-10 mins - add the chopped tomatoes, stock and chickpeas.

Bring to the boil then simmer for about 15 minutes.

I didn't have any on this occasion, but I often stir through some spinach towards the end to add another hit of greens.

I like to add naan bread (this was Aldi's garlic and coriander naan), but rice would also work well. If I eat leftovers for lunch I tend to just eat the curry alone.



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