Hello, August 2017

I love looking back at these posts to reflect on where my head was at at the beginning of previous months and years, so I need to keep on top of them!

Hello, August.


Time flies etc etc etc...

It really does, though, doesn't it?

Only a short post today as there's one, big thing that has changed since 1st July... the house move!

New home, new city, new chapter.

I've fallen in love with the new flat and am just feeling incredibly grateful for the people I'm surrounded by and proud of the progress I've made so far this year.

All the essentials are now sorted for the flat, and I'm getting into a routine, continuing all the practices that have been helping me so much, such as yoga, exercise and running.

The next step is to start to get involved in things outside of the home. The first plans are to hunt down a boxing class, a yoga class and a church... and maybe another running group to add to weekly parkruns.

I can't wait to start to meet more like-minded people and enjoy building this exciting new chapter.

Come on August, it's going to be a good old month.


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