Hello, May 2018

The last couple of months feel like they've lasted approximately one week each, maximum.

April was absolutely packed, and I'm hoping the pace might slow a little this month in terms of running here, there and everywhere in order to focus on hitting some goals.

I've not yet made any definite action steps towards my goal of getting back on a plane this year, so we need to look at some dates and a plan for that, and the keyboard hasn't exactly been a focus yet, either!

I also had one of my biggest business months yet in April, so have some even bigger goals for May.

We are back into the swing of things at the theatre group, now rehearsing for our July show which is a comedy and the group of young people in it have grasped the concept with both hands and are running with it, it's very encouraging and exciting.

There are some lovely friends coming to visit this month which I'm really looking forward to, and I'm also properly back into the swing of making working out and better eating a priority.

So that's the focus this month: slow down a tiny bit and really focus in on some goals and getting things ticked off to be really proud of!

Sophie x


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