Pause: Netflix Time

I can't write a long post tonight, because I'm on a date with Netflix.

Oh, Netflix, how we love thee.

My new series of choice is American Horror Story after having it recommended so many times... I never go for horror films or anything, but decided to give episode 1 a try, and now can't stop watching!

The problem with Netflix is that it knows exactly how to occupy you for lovely long periods of time. It autoplays the next episode...

Right I'm stopping watching now.

'Next episode begins in 15 seconds...


I need to go and wash my hair.



I should probably do that washing up.



Maybe I could read a book.



Oh go on then!

Netflix, you are a procrastination enabler, a binge-watching tempter...

And the thing is, we all love it. The amount of times I've seen people ask Twitter what their next series should be is mad!


I need to return to the haunted mansion and make sure Violet managed to get out in time.

Over and out, blog world, and I'll see you tomorrow.

And by the way:

What series should I watch next?!


  1. I really love this post, sums netflix up vvvv honestly! We all do it!

  2. Hahaha this is my life at the moment since I've finished University. I actually have a list of series to watch on my phone, whoops! x

    1. I definitely don't have a list to watch.... oh wait, yes I do! xxx

  3. I nominated you for the liebster award! Please check my blog for rules and questions, enjoy!


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