The Spanish Countdown

Just a quick post tonight as I'm trying to sort through a lot of things all at the same time, and get some work done for my marketing course.


Here's what's on my mind.

My baby sister is moving to MADRID.

Well she's not a baby, she's 18, but that's not really the point...

I'm unbelievably hugely excited for her, and she will have the most incredible time...

But yesterday dad booked her one-way flight to Madrid for September and I suddenly felt a little bit funny in my tummy.

That's a whole other country. You have to go on a plane to get there.

Isn't that weird? She's always been in my house, or down the road, or a short train away when I was at university.

It's going to take some adjusting, and dad has begun to call her 'Kittypleasedontgo'. She's flying out on Sunday for a month, then coming home for a month, and then it's the big move!

She's an adventurer and an explorer and I know she'll love every minute.

And of course, it's an excuse for us all to fit in some little Spanish holidays!


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