The Reading List #26

You know that pause?

It went on longer than expected. I’ve been in a bit of a strange place over recent months, and trying to sort out about a million things at once, including a new job, thinking about moving house when my current contract comes to an end, and working on the old panic I’ve discussed on here before.

Anyway, there’s something I find very satisfying about the fact today is both a Monday and the beginning of a new month, and it feels time to get back to my little internet space, and a new reading list feels as good a place as any to re-start…

Skin and Bones, Tom Bale

When a tiny Sussex village plays host to a shooting rampage, only one victim is left alive. Meaning only one person knows there’s a second killer still on the loose.

This book started brilliantly. The suspense was well-maintained, and the characters and the lifestyles of those in the village were established quickly. The description of the killing spree was very well done, and some descriptions as clear as if I had been watching a film. However, the second half, I felt, let it down. I think the plot got a bit too complicated for its own good. Too many clipped voices were getting involved in the plans and it left so many characters tangled in the story that the believability was lost. Worth reading even for the first half of the book, though, and Bale gets that just right.

Named of the Dragon, Susanna Kearsley

Literary agent Lyn heads to Wales for a holiday, still haunted by the death of her baby five years earlier. There she meets Elen, a fragile widow who sees Lyn as her son’s saviour. Myths, prophecies and Celtic legends surround the child as the story takes on a surreal, dream-like quality.

I had mixed feelings on this one, as it almost felt like two stories running alongside one another. Some parts, like Bridget’s relationships, really didn’t interest me, and I was left wanting more when it came to the sections on myth and legend, as it was so intriguing. I also felt the way Lyn’s grief was handled throughout the novel was really excellent. Definitely an unusual one, and I’d be tempted to give it a re-read.

The Eternity Project, Dean Crawford

CIA agents have been hunted and killed in bizarre circumstances, and the blame is pointing to defence intelligence operatives Warner and Lopez, along with the missing Joanna Defoe. Warner and Lopez are caught up in their own mission to find Defoe, but agree to help their old boss in an attempt to clear their names.

This isn’t the type of book I’d usually find myself leaning towards – a ‘mystery thriller’ with potential supernatural elements… But something caught me. I couldn’t stop turning the pages. It was fast-paced, high-action, good escapism, and I just enjoyed the way it was written.

Back Spin, Harlan Coben

When a boy disappears from a downtown hotel, Myron Bolitar is sent to investigate. Set in the world of professional sports, it’s a novel full of family secrets.

This one was ok. I did like some of the characters, but overall it was just a very average mystery.

On reflection, there was definitely a lean towards the world of thrillers in this list. It’s a genre I’ve never read much of but have come across a few good ones in recent months.

Have you read any of these, or anything I might like?


  1. I'm actually going to check one of the books out.... ahhaha i don't think i've touched a book in years besides textbooks after textbooks. thanks for the list!


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