Festive Gatherings

Another thing I love about Christmas is the amount of parties and gatherings, and getting the chance to catch up with people you maybe see less often.

Especially now, about 18 months after graduating, when the majority of my friends are only all in the same place for a relatively short time.

On the 20th, we got started with a Christmassy evening at my house.

House decorated...

The baby sister and me Christmassed up...

It was a relaxed festive evening with some of my favourites.

And Max definitely won at Christmas with his Santa onesie.

A couple of days later it was time for the annual Hawker Christmas Drinks.

Glasses ready...

Family ready...

(Jess is pretty much my parents' third daughter so she's the extra brunette on these ones!)

Mum and dad spent time perfecting what they've named the #champagneselfie

And then Baz's Christmas Quiz turned the atmosphere competitive...

Without fail, Hawker Christmas Drinks leaves me feeling so festive, and this year was one of my favourites yet.

Do you have any similar pre-Christmas traditions?


  1. Lovely Christmas! Lots of happy smiles which is what it's all about! Everyone looks as though they had a lovely time!

    Katie <3


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