A Little London Life Update

It’s been a quiet two weeks on this little corner of the internet, so it’s time for a life update!

The City – London is treating me well. I’ve been here almost three weeks now and the transition has been so much easier than expected. I’ve quickly fallen into patterns of jumping on and off the tube, keeping busy, and making plans. I’m not sure I will ever quite understand the way some people act on the tube (SO rude), or get used to the fact the air just FEELS different here (I’m from somewhere far more countryside-ey), but it’s going well.

The Job – The reason for moving down here. I’m not going to go into detail, but I’m working in digital marketing at a company I’ve admired for years, and the first two weeks have gone well. I’ve learned incredible amounts already, and I’m feeling very inspired by the amount of knowledge amongst the people surrounding me daily. Working in the heart of Oxford Street is busy, it’s fast-paced, and it’s exciting.

The Room -  I think the room-hunt is sorted. Well it is, but I don’t think I’ll relax until I’ve actually moved! So I will update you on my new room after that has happened… In the meantime, I’ve been staying with family friends not far from King’s Cross, which has been a great introduction to my new city.

The People – I’m surrounded by some amazing people here. Some I’ve known for years, some for months, and some I know I’ve yet to meet. I’m enjoying falling into new routines, and spending time with people I’ve previously been used to being miles away from. I’m also awaiting the arrival in London of two more of my closest friends this September, which is ridiculously exciting.

The Food – Food seems to have featured heavily in the last few weeks, and I’m enjoying sampling new places.  I had my first Wahaca experience this weekend, have enjoyed meals at old favourites like Caluccio’s, and discovered why the Hare and Tortoise in Russell Square has earned its amazing reputation (more to follow soon…)

The Places – I seem to have packed a lot in already. From attending the National Geographic Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History Museum, to exploring Covent Garden and Leicester Square on warm evenings, to meeting friends and attending family BBQs, August has been a good one so far.

So that’s where I’ve been, and there are so many things coming up that I’m more than excited about. Plenty of London posts will be finding their way onto these pages soon…

Have a happy Monday!


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