The Reading List #30

I feel like I open every reading list in the same way, by saying I’ve read a real mixture of things, and again this is the case. I’ve been finding a lot more time to read again recently, having forgotten quite how much it lets me escape and unwind.

Before the Poison, Peter Robinson

Chris moves to the Yorkshire Dales after the death of his wife. In the same house, 60 years earlier, a man died and his wife Grace Fox was hanged for murder. Chris becomes intrigued by their story and starts to explore the past.

I was impressed by this one; it was just a good, easy read. The plot was good, there were numerous twists and turns, and the characters were well written. I enjoyed the movement between past and present, and the inclusion of the court report and wartime journals kept me turning the pages.

The Orpheus Descent, Tom Harper

Twelve tablets, buried in ancient times, are in museums, and providing the dead with a route to the afterlife. Archaeologist Lily has just found another, when she disappears. Her husband Jonah begins to search for her, but there is no certainty she will ever be able to return.

The novel alternates the ancient world with the story or Jonah and Lily, which is handled well, and I loved the mythological, philosophical and classical references throughout. There were certain plot elements and characters that I wasn’t wild about, but overall I really enjoyed the themes and the way the novel was pieced together.

The Boot Camp, Kate Harrison

At the beginning of a new year, we join a seven day ‘luxury’ bootcamp. Steph is trying to prove to her ex that she can change; TV presenter Darcy is trying to let go of the past; mum-of-three Vicki is on doctor’s orders to lose weight.

This is the definition of what my mum calls a ‘trashy novel’, but it was a fun one. The characters were a good mixed group, there were some funny, touching moments, and it does have heart. Ideal for a lazy, relaxing read.

The Twins, Saskia Sarginson

Isolte and Viola are twins, and used to be inseparable, but as adults lead very different lives. The novel covers the events of one summer.

This was an absolutely beautiful read. The language trips over the pages and there are some heartbreaking sections. It flits between a third person narrative and the voice of Viola, and also in between time periods, mirroring the way memories can often seem disjointed. Plenty of facts were kept hidden until very close to the end. And I thought the ending was brilliant. I’ve recommended this one to a fair few people already.

So, that’s the next four books done.

Have you read any of these? And what do I need to read next?


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