Hello, November 2017

Month 11 of 12 in 2017.

I could probably write a whole post wondering where the time went but I won't, because I think we all feel the same way.

Last month, everything stepped up a gear.

I was busier than I've been in YEARS (no exaggeration there). I was in month one of a new job and started two new courses (an Alpha course and a creative writing course).

It was extremely busy, but I feel so lucky when I reflect and realise that my time is packed with things I absolutely love. My new job role is doing something I love and would do even if it wasn't paid, I'm meeting great new people and I'm spending time adding in hobbies and events I enjoy.

I've also realised that I'm reintroducing many things I used to spend all my time doing, but for various reasons including my anxiety I had pushed to the back of my mind. I'm talking about singing, theatre, creative writing, meeting new people...

This must be the reason my happiness has been pretty high, too. I'm filling my days with things that fulfill me and excite me, and spending time with people who I can be myself around.

I'm still absolutely loving the new flat and being in Chester, and it feels more and more like home by the day.

November isn't set to be any quieter.

I'm moving into month two of the new job, I've got a family wedding, parties, theatre trips and visits with friends and family lined up, and we're creeping ever closer to 'the most wonderful time of the year'.

I'm ready, November, let's GO.

Sophie x


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