24 thoughts on my 24th birthday

24 sounds kind of grown up.

Didn’t I turn 21 five minutes ago?

This year has been a bit action-packed: new job, new city, new house…

I cannot wait for a trip away at the weekend.

I used to think 24 year-olds would be settled and have their whole lives sorted.

I’ve done a lot of learning about myself this year.

Those I’d count as the people I’m closest to now aren’t the same list as on my last birthday and that’s ok.

I can’t believe it’s a year since my last birthday, one of my absolute favourites (think Wimbledon and amazing friends).

Birthdays always feel like a fresh start, with new opportunities.

I feel like this is going to be a big year. There are lots of things going on in my brain and lots of plans both arranged and with the potential to happen.

I’m going to continue looking after myself. The last month has taught me how important that is.

I want to continue exploring. There are so many places even just in the UK I’m desperate to see, so I want to carry on the exploring I’ve been doing this year.

I’ve got some amazing people around me and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

I’ve been in my job for almost a year (a year in August) which has absolutely flown by and I’m so much happier than in my previous role.

I’m getting used to this whole London thing. I’m 11 months in and settling in this city I always thought was too big for me.

I’m going to carry on putting effort into the friendships that matter, and stop stressing out so much about the ones that don’t. Friendships should go two ways.

I want to carry on building on the healthy habits I’ve been introducing over the past month. I don’t want to let myself get back to the place I found myself before.

I want to be more open to trying new things. I’m a creature of habit and want to start to expand my horizons a bit more.

This will be the year I venture back onto a plane. After five years and various reasons including but not exclusively my anxiety, I need my sunny holidays back.

My gratitude journal is already helping to change my mindset so much, and I want to continue to view things positively even after the worst days.

I want to carry on learning about money. I feel like I’ve only recently started to really get my head round budgeting properly, and I have a lot still to learn and healthy habits to create.

I want to carry on reading as widely as I have been recently. I’ve fallen back in love with reading on my commute and have been reminded just how special it is to truly switch off and escape into a book.

I need to both pace myself and push myself – it’s a balance I’ve been working on and need to figure out properly.

I want to make this a year of happiness and health, surrounded by people I love.


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