The Art of Colouring In

Colouring books.

When the magazines and adverts first started telling me that’s how I’d be relaxing and that colouring books for adults would be so popular, I paid no attention whatsoever.

And then my sister bought me a mindfulness colouring book last Christmas.

Armed with my coloured pencils, I decided to give it a bit of a go while watching tv.

And I fell for it.

It really works.

As someone who has anxiety and in general is and over-thinker and likes to be occupied, it provides that perfect balance between having a task to focus on but that task being creative and relaxing.

Once I finished that book, I moved onto others. Harry Potter ones inspired by my trip to the studio tour and a Narnia one because I needed a break from flowers and nature.

There are so many options out there, and my doubt was definitely proven wrong.

Do you use colouring in as a way to relax?


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