The Results: Warrior Women September Self-Development Challenge

Happy 30th September! This month has flown by. I know I've fit a lot into the time, but at the same time I just don't know where the days have disappeared to. At the beginning of the month I said that I was going to be trying the Warrior Women September Self-Development Challenge - I'll call it 'the challenge' from now on as that's a bit of a mouthful. It therefore seems only right that on this, the final day of the month, I let you know how I got on. Below is the original list of challenges, and I can say that I've successfully ticked every single one! If you want to know exactly what I did do each day I was tweeting the whole thing (look for the tweets where I've shared this image). So, how did I find it? Realistically, most of the things on this list are things I already do regularly, so maybe for me 'challenge' was the wrong word. It was more a daily prompt to make sure I was staying in the habit of these kind of practices, or ...