Hello, September 2017... and a Warrior Women challenge

Well, here we are again. The first of another new month, and September will always feel like the start of a new year to me.

As each year passes and I move further from my school days, I can't shake that September feeling and the need to buy some new stationery.

I'm not really sure what happened to August.

Now well over a month since moving, we are settling into routines.

The weeks feel a bit more familiar and patterns are starting to emerge.

Now the work on meeting people and joining new things has begun and will continue to go on.

I'm going to treat this September a little like it IS a new school year.

I'm going to make friends.

I'm going to throw myself into some new clubs or hobbies.

And I'm going to push forwards, not look back.

For all these reasons, September seems the ideal time for a little challenge.

A short while ago, Warrior Women Worldwide was born, created by Ginny Coates and Zoe Hale, with the aim of 'empowering women to live authentically towards their health and wellbeing goals'.

After an amazingly successful start, the ladies have launched a September self-development challenge, with one little task for every day.

It fits perfectly into everything I've been doing over the past six months or so, and I loved the idea of having that daily prompt to add something new into my routines.

Day one kicked off with affirmations, so I've now got mine stuck to my mirror: I release the need to be 'perfect'.

Those words were taken from Melissa Ambrosini's 'Mastering Your Mean Girl' - a book well worth a read - and really spoke to me. I have a habit of avoiding things if I don't know I will instantly be good at them or find them easy, partly because I'm so worried about failing. Which means I hold myself back from all sorts of things that could be amazing opportunities or learning experiences.

Let's see what a difference it makes seeing and repeating these words daily.

I'm going to be checking in mid-month and at the end of September to let you know what I've been getting up to to meet the daily challenges, then sum up how I feel after a whole month of focus on self-development!

It's not too late to join in the challenge, either. The list is in this post, or you can head to their Instagram account for daily tips, advice and inspiration.

Ginny and Zoe, Warrior Women co-founders

Hello, September. Let's do this.


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