The Reading List #45

I cannot stop reading at the moment. I've truly and utterly fallen back in love with reading and tend to have a few on the go at once.

It's reading list time again, so here are my thoughts on four more of the latest books I've read...

Radical Self-Love, Gala Darling

The subtitle for this book is 'a guide to loving yourself and living your dreams', and the content could not be summed up more clearly than that. It's brimming with positivity and inspiration, but everything feels so accessible. I think sometimes when you're being told about self-love by people who have already reached that point of contentment within themselves, it can feel preachy or patronising, or like you'll never reach that place they're at. This book offers the tools you actually need to get there, with a healthy dose of love and support.

It honestly made me feel so uplifted and empowered, and I've already passed it on to one of my friends.

No Way Back, Kelly Florentia
Published: 21st September 2017

* This was kindly sent to me by a PR to be considered for review purposes.

Audrey Fox has been dumped just before her wedding, and a chance meeting then throws everything into confusion. When she learns her former fiancee has been in a serious accident, how will she react?

I've got to say, when I first read the blurb I wasn't sure I'd be that interested in this novel. At surface level, it sounded like it might be 'just another romantic novel'. Actually, it surprised me. Audrey wasn't just another romantic heroine torn between two men - she actually had a personality and you could understand the dilemmas she faced. I also thought the more peripheral characters were written well, which can sometimes be lacking in romance or typical 'women's fiction'. I'm also always a big fan of writing in the first person, and I thought the voice was sustained really well. It kept me guessing and it kept me turning the pages - a refreshing twist on a story I thought I'd read a hundred times before.

Unclutter Your Life in One Week, Erin Rooney Doland

The concept of this book is a good one, but I just don't think it particularly translates as well as it wanted to. Doland's husband had told her she had too much clutter and things needed to change, and she later wrote this book to be 'your support system and support manual' in doing the same.

The book is structured as if you would literally turn around your entire life in a single week, and this is where I think it fell down. Of course, you could spread the tasks over a longer period of time, but I just found the thought of doing it all at once a bit absurd. There were daily tasks for morning, daytime and night - tasks that often included clearing entire rooms or reorganising large spaces. It was written as if the tasks were small, but in action they wouldn't be. I just found it a little bit of an odd read, and although it had some useful tips and tricks, the structure just didn't work for me.

Wilde Like Me, Louise Pentland

Robin Wilde, makeup artist and single mother, is just trying to hold it all together and be happy. This is a very 'Sophie Kinsella style' novel, and Louise has done it well. I have followed Louise on YouTube for years and so wanted her novel to be fantastic. She didn't disappoint.

This novel is just lovely. It's full of characters you can relate to, funny moments and really touching moments. There's a strong focus on friendship, Robin's bond with her Auntie Kath, dating as a single mother and the highs and lows of motherhood. I loved reading this, and again it's already been recommended to multiple friends.

More of a mixed bag this time, but certainly more hits than misses.

Check back in for another round-up very soon...


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