
Something we've been talking about over this weekend and the last couple of weeks is that elusive concept, 'balance'.

More specifically, striking a balance between pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and cutting yourself a bit of slack.

I've made huge changes to my lifestyle, slowly over the last year and then dramatically over the past few months. 

My days are busier than they have been for a long time, my social life is the busiest it has been in years and I'm spreading myself out over more commitments and responsibilities.

This in itself is amazing.

I'm enjoying life again, I'm doing new things and meeting new people and I'm proving to myself I'm capable of doing things that for a long time my anxiety told me I could not.

However, there are limits.

I'm not yet completely used to my new, full, happy lifestyle, and some days it's a little too much.

Sometimes, I get a bit overwhelmed.

Sometimes, I need an evening or an afternoon or a day to curl up on the sofa and recuperate.

Everyone needs that. We're all human, and we can't throw ourselves into everything at 100 miles an hour every day of every week.

So if everyone needs a bit of down time every now and then, it's surely ok that I do too.

I need to learn how to balance my pride at the amount of things I'm now able to do, with cutting myself a bit of slack on the days I can't do it all.

In January of this year, I was still barely able to do anything, barely eating and struggling to speak.

Twelve months on, I need to tell myself it's alright to sometimes feel a little overwhelmed at the way my life has transformed in the last year.

Whatever your situation, whatever your schedule and whatever your mental state, know that it's amazing to push yourself, broaden your horizons and test your limits.

But it's also ok to take a little break.

Be proud of your progress and be kind to your mind.

Sophie x


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