Hello, December 2017

It genuinely feels like I wrote my 1st November blog post a week ago.

But here we are, moving into 'the most wonderful time of the year'.

I'm so excited.

I've always loved Christmas and the whole festive period.

We're decorating the tree and the flat tonight, and there's plenty of Christmassy activities and gatherings already in the diary.

This time of year often seems to go so quickly and get pretty hectic so I want to make sure I take the time to breathe and actually enjoy it.

It's the final month of what has been a huge, huge year and I want to soak up and enjoy every second of it.

Tomorrow holds an extended rehearsal for a Christmas show followed by a night away, and from then on it's an action-packed month.

I'm looking forward to feeling festive and spending lots of time with family and friends.

I also need to explore the Chester Christmas markets - I've passed through a couple of times so far but always on my way somewhere else.

Today has been a great start to the month; it's been a day at home to get on top of everything, catch up with myself and get my head in the game for everything to come.

Before I sign off: a quick note about last night. We headed to watch some friends in a local production of Much Ado About Nothing, performed in an 800 year old church. It was hilarious, the space was used so well and I absolutely love seeing friends shining and showcasing their talents.

A night to remember and a night that felt like it really kicked off a month of merriment.

Here goes...

Sophie x


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