Goodbye 2013 x

The first few days of a new year allow time to reflect on the year that has just gone by, and 2013 was certainly a busy one for me. It can be useful to look back at what you’ve achieved in that chunk of time, to put everything in perspective and be proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished.

A huge moment of 2013, for me, was graduating from the University of York. After three years of ups and downs, and a lot of hard work, I got the 2:1 I had been aiming for, and could celebrate with my friends the fact that we had done it: we had our degrees.

A few months later, in September, I began my role as marketing executive at my dad’s market research company, where I am preparing to study for my Professional Certificate in Marketing. I feel so fortunate to be in a position where I am in the industry I want to be in, making valuable connections, and earning a real salary so soon after finishing university.

With the end of university came the sad day that Andy and I had to move out of our flat in Darlington. We lived there for two years, and I still miss it SO much! We made the sensible decision to each move home whilst job-hunting to save money, and it has certainly been an adjustment! From my family’s point of view, they had become very settled in their new routines since I had moved to university. I was obviously used to a different type of independence, and to being with Andy all the time.  We figured it out, though, and are back to having a house full of lots of fun! Andy and I are now both working full time, though, and the hunt for somewhere to live can now start.

I also turned 21, in July of this year, and had a joint party with my mum, who turned 50 in the same week. The people I had at my party were people I really care about, and I feel like I’ve reached a point where I do know who my friends are, which is a really nice position to be in!

Alongside all of the high points, I’ve had hard moments this year where panic and anxiety have taken over much more of my time than they should have done. I’m not ready to talk about that in depth on here yet, but it’s not a nice feeling at all! Over the Christmas period in particular I have been struggling, but am heading to see a doctor next week to start to get back on track.

Looking back over the year as a whole lets me begin to excuse myself some of the panic. Yes, my worries amplify themselves to the extreme, but it’s been a crazy, busy year of massive change and milestones. The good far outweighs the bad, and the turn into a new year is an amazing chance to sit back and reflect on how lucky I am to have people around me who can help me when I need help, understand me when I need to be understood, and are there with me as I achieve the things I work so hard for.

2013, you’ve been intense. I hope that 2014 can now be the year where I become more comfortable and confident in my new situations, grow at work and in my personal life, and actively begin to find ways that can calm me and make me more relaxed and measured in my approach to everyday things that really don’t need to be worried about. Come on 2014, I’m ready for you.

Sophie x


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, and the same back at you! xxx

  2. Happy New Year!!! Just started following you and very much looking forward to getting to know you in 2014! Thanks for being such a lovely follower on my blog - means a lot to me!

    Katie <3

    1. No problem, I've been loving your blog, too :) Happy new year! xxx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, I'm about 4 months in and learning a lot :) xxx

  4. good luck with everything this year!

    helen at

    1. Thank you so much, the same back at you :) xxx


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