The Challenge Results #1 December 2013

The results are in for my first challenge month! I will aim to get these up on the last day of the month, before introducing a new challenge on the 1st, but Christmas and New Year has thrown every schedule out of the window!

My December challenge was to spend no money on any make-up or toiletries. I admitted this was a little easier because of my beauty advent calendars, but when weighed up with the temptations of amazing sales it was still tough.

I did it, though! I’ve begun working my way through products I had forgotten about, and using up a lot of sachets and samples, which is clearing up space in my room. I definitely want to continue working through all the things I already have, and try and use up as many as I can before buying loads more.

Judging on the way I then acted yesterday, when faced with the sales, I have begun to think a bit more about what I want and need. December gave me the chance to look through and rediscover what I already own, so I have a much more clear picture of where the ‘gaps’ are, and what I really don’t need to buy.

Challenge number one complete, I was left with a healthy extra chunk of my pay left, which has wriggled straight into my savings ready for finding somewhere to live.

Have you ever tried a spending ban?

Sophie x


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