Post-Festive Reflections and OOTDs

Before school or work or any other commitments begin again tomorrow, I thought I’d post a few highlights and outfits from the festive season. I’ve loved reading everyone else’s, so thought I’d share some pictures here.

Christmas week always begins in our house with Christmas drinks, which is so busy and fun, and this year’s was great. It was made even better because my team won the quiz…

I’m wearing a River Island dress that my parents actually bought for me last Christmas.

Christmas Day was traditional and family-filled and cosy and left us all with full tummies.

These jeans have always been too small, but this month now FIT, and the blouse is from one of the Kardashian Kollections at Dorothy Perkins. The shoes are from New Look. As you can see, my sister went for the full on Christmas look…

Boxing Day was another huge family gathering, and I opted for leggings with this neon orange H & M jumper, that I have been loving recently.

Presents-wise, I am so happy and grateful for everything I received, including a Kindle from my parents and amazing make-up from my sister. Andy took me on a shopping spree (results below…) and we are heading to a Michelin-starred restaurant in Manchester very soon.

New Year’s Eve I spent at a family party at Andy’s, which was full of games, competition and food. The dress is from Dorothy Perkins, and I know I’ll get so much wear out of it; the shoes are from New Look.

And there’s my round-up! It’s a New Year, and hopefully this one will be full of lots of new adventures.

Happy Sunday!

Sophie x


  1. Lovely outfits Sophie! It looks like you had a fabulous festive season!

    Katie <3

  2. You look fantastic Soph! So glad you had an amazing Christmas - catch up soon :) xxx

    1. Aww thanks Hope, give me a text soon and we'll sort something. LOTS to catch up on! xxx

  3. you look so pretty, love all the outfits and love your sisters Christmas look, it's awesome getting all christmasy xx

    1. Thank you so much :) Yes, my sister likes to fully enter into the Christmas theme ;) xxx


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