The Reading List #22

A day late I know, but here is this weekend’s reading list round-up:

Jacob’s Room, Virginia Woolf

It’s not been long since my last Woolf book, but I’ve had a few hanging around on my shelf waiting to be read! This is the story of Jacob Flanders, killed in the First World War. It conjures up the period beautifully, and also covers the stories of those left at home.

This, as with all of Woolf’s work has a very clear and unique style. The writing is very fluid, and you skip through the pages. The spectrum of characters and emotions it covers are broad, and I think it’s my favourite all round book of Virginia Woolf’s.

Kate Moss, Chris Roberts*

I was lucky enough to be sent this beautiful biography of Kate Moss, and it would make the perfect gift for any fans. Although there is a lot of emphasis on the images, it is written in the style of a more wordy biography. By that I mean it’s not just a few words around lots of images, it’s actually a well-crafted and ordered story of Moss’ life and career so far.

The pictures, though, are of course stunning. They are well selected and beautifully printed. This is a perfect coffee table book, with the bonus of great writing. I don’t think I’d have necessarily picked up a Moss biography, just as it’s not a genre I read much of, but I’m really glad I read it.

My Dear, I Wanted to Tell You, Louisa Young

Back to the First World War theme, this book centres around the summer of 1917, when a letter reveals a lie. It covers the trenches and the home front, and weaves a story of betrayal and heartache. I know that’s quite a cliché description, but it’s hard to say much without giving lots away!

It fits into the slightly more trashy read category, but covers some great themes and the plotline is good I certainly kept me turning the pages, and there’s were some very unexpected twists. The emotion at times is really genuine, and it’s worth picking up for a fairly easy read, but with a good story behind it.

The Fencer, Ayala R.*

This is the story of a fencer, of his career, and of his life. It flits between a fencing competition, and his childhood, growing up alongside his equally competitive brother.

This has shot straight to the top of my ‘recommend to everyone’ list. I absolutely loved it. I has a very unique style, and feels almost like a dance, or I suppose a fencing match. There are lots of French words and phrases left in, which are so musical, and the way the chapters and parts are structured only adds to this musical, dancing style. The story is gripping and raw, and I was so impressed, I can’t remember reading anything like it, and it was really very beautiful.

So there you have it. Have you read any of these things?

Let me know what you’ve been reading recently!

*PR copy for review consideration


  1. Some good sounded books to go on my to read list! Thanks for sharing. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  2. hello just came across to ur blog.
    i am very new at bloging....i wld be glad if u hav a look at my blog...nd let me knw if we can follow each other.xoxo..

  3. A couple of these have made their way onto my reading list! Thanks for the post! :) x

    The Beauty Scrapbook

  4. These are great picks! So many things I want to read!

  5. I really should read more books! I feel like i'm missing out!


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