The Unexpected Gifts

Isn’t it a great feeling when somebody gives you a thoughtful gift, that you weren’t expecting and that you love?

Well for lucky old me that’s happened twice in the last few weeks, so I’m feeling very spoiled!

My university friend Anthea spent her Christmas in Germany, and a box arrived a couple of weeks into January… Inside was a gorgeous little packet of biscuits from her favourite German bakery, and a candle. The candle is a hand-carved wax in the shape of an elephant, and is made up of such beautiful colours that fit perfectly in my room.

Then, less than a week later, I was reunited with my fabulous school friend Alex, who has spent her time since about August in Singapore and India (she’s rather a jetsetter). There are 5 of us in our ‘left over from school friendship group’, and Alex had got the four of us personalised gifts. The others received trousers, a bag, a scarf, and she had chosen me a clutch bag. She matched them so well to our tastes, although did hide her eyes in case anyone wanted to swap! In addition to that, she bought us all a matching bracelet, which is woven thread with three bronze discs or coins. The three stand for luck, wealth and fortune. I think I’ve worn it most days since!

It’s so nice to open a gift and realise the person it’s from has thought about what you’d like. Equally, though, I love giving gifts. I’m the queen of the goody bag or goody box full of little treats! I sent one of these to Anthea this week, and was sending my friend Emily a book but threw in some nail varnish too.

It always makes people smile to open a little unexpected parcel, and it doesn’t have to cost much, either. I’m going to start sending more little parcels and nice cards… because everyone loves a bit of post!

What’s the best surprise you’ve received recently?

Sophie x


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