Finally home.

Since moving to university, I've never been settled in one place for very long. For many reasons I've hopped around, but that's meant I've been living in a very temporary frame of mind for about five years.

I've moved from York to Darlington to Cheshire to Stockport to Macclesfield to London to Cheshire to Chester.

All since 2011.

Whilst some have been clustered closely together, they've still been moves. I've never felt like the place I've moved to will be home for the foreseeable future.

Moving is stressful; anyone who has ever moved house will tell you that.

But for me it's not so much the moving that's been an issue, even though that hasn't been easy. It's been that sense of unrest I've felt whilst living there.

For various reasons, each of the places before my current one was temporary. It might have been because of the time span of university, or because of an uncertain job situation, or because I was temporarily back with my parents.

Whatever the specific reason for each place, every house or flat felt like a temporary base.

And that has consequences.

I didn't set down roots. I didn't join gyms or choirs or find new hobbies. I didn't make an effort to meet people or make any friends.

It's not a nice way to live. I'm not sure I was aware every single time that that's what I was doing, but looking back it makes me a little sad.

It makes me sad I wasted those places or those years, but also it makes me so grateful for the position I find myself in now.

This time, it's different.

For the first time, a house that's not my parents' house feels truly like home. 

I'm putting down roots. I've found a job I love. I'm quickly adding hobbies and courses into my week. I'm enjoying getting to know some wonderful new people.

I'm building myself a life.

Instead of just getting through each day, I'm focusing on adding things into my days and weeks that will challenge me or make me happy or teach me something or allow me to spend time with people I love. 

I'm finding that sense of fulfilment that had been missing for so long, and I'm moving away from those days filled with panic and anxiety and uncertainty.

I'm building myself a life, and it's got off to a very nice start.

I'm feeling excited for the future, excited about the things that lie ahead, and enjoying saying 'yes' to things.

I'm finally home.

Sophie x


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