World Mental Health Day 2017

Today is World Mental Health Day.

There's so much I could write, but on a day where so many are sharing such powerful thoughts, words and stories, I'm going to keep my message short.

I speak very openly about my own mental health journey because I believe it is the only way to start breaking down those walls and letting other people know it's ok to talk and to ask for help.

My message today:

You know your own mind. You know when you're not ok.

Even if to the rest of the world you may look like you're fine, or far better than fine, I know you could be fighting a huge internal battle.

Maybe it's not huge; maybe it's a few small feelings, but you can sense they're building up over time.

Maybe you've noticed a few small habits or behaviours that you know aren't healthy.

You know yourself better than anyone else, and you know when something is wrong.

If something is wrong, however 'silly' you're worried you may sound, speak to somebody.

If the first friend or family member or doctor isn't supportive, tell someone else.

Fight for your own mind and your own health.

You deserve to be healthy and happy, and the only way we can collect our collective mental health is by speaking out, asking for help and letting ourselves and others be vulnerable.

Look after yourself both physically and mentally.

You're worth it, and you matter.

Sophie x


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