Hello, October 2017


The tenth month of the year.

I'm quite a fan, I've got to say. Not of the fact the evenings get darker or that the weather isn't the best, but I do love the changing leaves, the autumn colours and the jumpers!

Can we just get one thing straight though? I hate Halloween. Genuinely, I have really strong feelings about it. That might be a topic for another day but I can't cope with the amount of tweets I'm seeing today about the fact Halloween now apparently lasts the whole month of October? Not for me, thanks.

To me, 31st October is my dad's birthday and nothing else! He's coming over with mum a few days before for lunch. Before that, we've got a wedding to go to, a couple of weekends away, numerous things planned with friends, a trip to see Blood Brothers...

And alongside that I'm starting my new role. I'm sure I'll talk about that more at some point but for now let's say I've taken on a new part time role that I'm so excited about and makes me feel like I'm truly getting 'the old Sophie' back. Well, the new and improved version, with all the things I've learned for the tricky parts of the last few years.

In September, things really started to shift. Having spent the first month or so of living in Chester just getting settled in, we've now started to make real connections and get to know some amazing people. It's so exciting to be building friendships with new people, trying out new things and filling up that social calendar again.

Things are on the up, and I'm entering October feeling excited, positive and ready for action!

Sophie x


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