Just start.

There's one theme or phrase which has come up in so many conversations over the past week or so: JUST START. The conversations have all had different themes and the phrase was being applied to different things, but the idea of starting has appeared over and over again. I've always been a strange mixture of very organised and a master procrastinator, which is a state quite a lot of people find themselves in. I think I always had the subconscious idea that if I didn't start something, I couldn't struggle or fail, so it was probably best not to start. Recently, I've realised that starting things makes me feel so much better. Instead of just adding thing after thing to my list, I've been trying to start straight away. Whether that's sending a message, opening up the word document or properly reading a brief and jotting down my initial ideas, it's been a game-changer. When you just keep adding to your mental to-do list, it's s...